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Epilepsy checklist

Epilepsy checklist

It is important to remember that epilepsy is a condition that cannot be cured, but it can be managed so that dogs and their owners can lead a full and happy life together. Knowing what to do can help you to best manage your dog’s condition:

Make regular check-up appointments to see your vet
Talk about your dog’s epilepsy with friends and family so that they know what to do if they experience your dog having a seizure

If you think your dog is going to have a seizure

Try and make sure that your dog is not in a position to injure themselves
Remove as many ‘sensory stimuli’ as possible, such as turning off the television and dimming the lights

During a seizure

Stay calm
Record your dog’s seizures in their seizure diary. If possible, film your dog’s first seizure(s) and show the film to your vet
Keep your hands away from your dog’s mouth while it is having a seizure. It is not in control of its actions and may accidentally bite you

Contact your vet immediately if your dog has

A seizure that continues for more than 5 minutes
More than one seizure in a 24 hour period

During recovery

Keep an eye on your dog, particularly if there are other pets or children around
If possible, allow your dog to recover quietly at home after a seizure, rather than moving them

© 2015 Boehringer Ingelheim Pty Limited. All Rights Reserved. AUSTRALIA: Boehringer Ingelheim Pty Limited. ABN 52 000 452 308. Animal Health Division, 78 Waterloo Road, North Ryde NSW 2113. Toll Free 1800 038 037. Fax Number 02 8875 8715. NEW ZEALAND: Boehringer Ingelheim (NZ) Ltd. Animal Health Division, Level 1, Unit 9, 42 Ormiston Road, East Tamaki, Auckland. Toll Free 0800 802 461. Fax Number 09 271 0629.

This site is provided as an information service for veterinary professionals and the owners of dogs with epilepsy. Any questions about your dog should be directed to your veterinary practice.

The information contained in this website are intended to be used for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be general or specific medical advice. Please seek professional medical advice in respect to your particular situation prior to any use.